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Andrew Lock

  1. Loading...
  2. Sponsored by Nick Chapsas—Want to learn how to build elegant REST APIs in .NET? Get 5% off Nick's latest course "From Zero to Hero: REST APIs in .NET"!

    From Zero to Hero: REST APIs in .NET
  3. ASP.NET Core in Action, Third Edition

    My new book ASP.NET Core in Action, Third Edition is available now! It supports .NET 7.0, and is available as an eBook or paperback.

  4. Banner image for Creating a .NET AsciiMath parser and using it in a Markdig extension

    Creating a .NET AsciiMath parser and using it in a Markdig extension

    In this post I describe how I ported a Ruby AsciiMath implementation to .NET, created the AsciiMath NuGet package, and used it to create a Markdig extension…

     in  .NET 8 This Blog
  5. Banner image for Hacking together an AsciiMath parser for .NET

    Hacking together an AsciiMath parser for .NET

    In this post I describe how I hacked together an AsciiMath parser for .NET. I also show the existing implementations available and how I chose between them…

     in  Front End Node.js
  6. Banner image for Rendering Math in HTML: MathML, MathML Core, and AsciiMath

    Rendering Math in HTML: MathML, MathML Core, and AsciiMath

    In this post I discuss how you can render math in the browser using MathML and MathML Core elements, and show AsciiMath as an easier way of writing equations…

     in  Front End
  7. Banner image for Syncing a git branch between Windows and WSL filesystems

    Syncing a git branch between Windows and WSL filesystems

    In this post I show how you can work on a git branch with a repository checked out in Windows, and then sync that to another git folder in WSL…

     in  Git
  8. Banner image for Implementing Dijkstra's algorithm for finding the shortest path between two nodes using PriorityQueue in .NET 9

    Implementing Dijkstra's algorithm for finding the shortest path between two nodes using PriorityQueue in .NET 9

    In this post I describe Dijkstra's algorithm for finding the shortest path between two nodes and how you can implement it with the PriorityQueue type in .NET 9…

  9. Banner image for Behind the implementation of .NET's PriorityQueue

    Behind the implementation of .NET's PriorityQueue

    In this post I show how .NET's PriorityQueue implements its methods and relate these methods to operations on a min-heap data structure…

Andrew Lock | .Net Escapades
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