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Andrew Lock

  1. Loading...
  2. Sponsored by Nick Chapsas—Want to learn how to build elegant REST APIs in .NET? Get 5% off Nick's latest course "From Zero to Hero: REST APIs in .NET"!

    From Zero to Hero: REST APIs in .NET
  3. ASP.NET Core in Action, Third Edition

    My new book ASP.NET Core in Action, Third Edition is available now! It supports .NET 7.0, and is available as an eBook or paperback.

  4. Banner image for The minimal API AOT compilation template

    The minimal API AOT compilation template

    Exploring the .NET 8 preview - Part 2

    In this post I discuss the Ahead of Time (AOT) compilation coming in .NET 8, look at it's benefits and limitations, and look at the new AOT template…

     in  ASP.NET Core .NET 8 AOT
  5. Banner image for Using the new configuration binder source generator

    Using the new configuration binder source generator

    Exploring the .NET 8 preview - Part 1

    In this post I introduce the new configuration binder source generator added in .NET 8 preview 3, explore how it works, and how to use it in your apps.…

  6. Banner image for Exploring the .NET 8 preview

    Exploring the .NET 8 preview

    In this series I explore some of the changes and new features released in the .NET 8 previews.…

     in  ASP.NET Core .NET 8
  7. Banner image for Validating nested DataAnnotation IOptions recursively with MiniValidation

    Validating nested DataAnnotation IOptions recursively with MiniValidation

    In this post…

     in  ASP.NET Core Configuration
  8. Banner image for Making authenticated cross-origin requests with ASP.NET Core Identity

    Making authenticated cross-origin requests with ASP.NET Core Identity

    In this post I describe how to make authenticated cross-origin requests from the browser to an app using ASP.NET Core Identity.…

  9. Banner image for Adding client-side validation to ASP.NET Core, without jQuery or unobtrusive validation

    Adding client-side validation to ASP.NET Core, without jQuery or unobtrusive validation

    In this article I describe how to use the aspnet-client-validation library to provide client-side validation instead of relying on jQuery.…

Andrew Lock | .Net Escapades
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