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Andrew Lock

  1. Loading...
  2. Sponsored by Nick Chapsas—Want to learn how to build elegant REST APIs in .NET? Get 5% off Nick's latest course "From Zero to Hero: REST APIs in .NET"!

    From Zero to Hero: REST APIs in .NET
  3. ASP.NET Core in Action, Third Edition

    My new book ASP.NET Core in Action, Third Edition is available now! It supports .NET 7.0, and is available as an eBook or paperback.

  4. Banner image for Running tests with dotnet xunit using Cake

    Running tests with dotnet xunit using Cake

    In this post I show how you can run tests using the xUnit .NET CLI Tool "dotnet xunit" when building projects using Cake, by using the DotNetCoreTool alias.…

     in  Testing .NET Core .NET CLI DevOps
  5. Banner image for Building ASP.NET Core 2.0 preview 2 packages on AppVeyor

    Building ASP.NET Core 2.0 preview 2 packages on AppVeyor

    In this post, I'll show how to update your appveyor.yml file so you can build .NET Core preview libraries on AppVeyor by installing the SDK on each build.…

  6. Banner image for Adding Travis CI builds to a .NET Core app

    Adding Travis CI builds to a .NET Core app

    In this post I describe how to build and test your ASP.NET Core or .NET Core app in a linux and Mac environment using Travis CI continuous integration.…

     in  ASP.NET Core DevOps
  7. Banner image for Publishing your first .NET Core NuGet package with AppVeyor and MyGet

    Publishing your first .NET Core NuGet package with AppVeyor and MyGet

    In this post I'm going to describe the process for beginners to go from 'Code in GitHub' to 'Package on NuGet'…

     in  ASP.NET Core DevOps
Andrew Lock | .Net Escapades
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