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Andrew Lock

ASP.NET Core 2.0
  1. Loading...
  2. Sponsored by Nick Chapsas—Want to learn how to build elegant REST APIs in .NET? Get 5% off Nick's latest course "From Zero to Hero: REST APIs in .NET"!

    From Zero to Hero: REST APIs in .NET
  3. ASP.NET Core in Action, Third Edition

    My new book ASP.NET Core in Action, Third Edition is available now! It supports .NET 7.0, and is available as an eBook or paperback.

  4. Banner image for Using multiple instances of strongly-typed settings with named options in .NET Core 2.x

    Using multiple instances of strongly-typed settings with named options in .NET Core 2.x

    In this post I describe how you can register multiple instances of a strongly-typed settings object in the ASP.NET Core DI container using named options.…

  5. Banner image for Sharing appsettings.json configuration files between projects in ASP.NET Core

    Sharing appsettings.json configuration files between projects in ASP.NET Core

    In this post I show how you can extract common settings to a shared JSON file and how to configure your projects to use them locally and after publishing…

     in  ASP.NET Core 2.0 Configuration ASP.NET Core
  6. Banner image for Migrating passwords in ASP.NET Core Identity with a custom PasswordHasher

    Migrating passwords in ASP.NET Core Identity with a custom PasswordHasher

    In this post I create a custom IPasswordHasher<> implementation that can be used in ASP.NET Core Identity to support other hashing formats, such as BCrypt.…

  7. Banner image for Creating and trusting a self-signed certificate on Linux for use in Kestrel and ASP.NET Core

    Creating and trusting a self-signed certificate on Linux for use in Kestrel and ASP.NET Core

    In this post I show how to create a self-signed certificate on Linux. I show how you can trust the certificate, and how to configure Kestrel to use it.…

     in  ASP.NET Core ASP.NET Core 2.0 Security
  8. Banner image for Using anonymous types and tuples to attach correlation IDs to scope state with Serilog and Seq in ASP.NET Core

    Using anonymous types and tuples to attach correlation IDs to scope state with Serilog and Seq in ASP.NET Core

    In this post I describe two extension methods that make logging scopes as key-value pairs nicer in ASP.NET Core, by using anonymous types and tuples.…

     in  ASP.NET Core ASP.NET Core 2.0 Logging C#
  9. Banner image for Creating an extension method for attaching key-value pairs to scope state using ASP.NET Core

    Creating an extension method for attaching key-value pairs to scope state using ASP.NET Core

    In this post I describe a small extension method that makes logging scopes as key-value pairs in ASP.NET Core with Serilog and Seq a little nicer.…

     in  ASP.NET Core ASP.NET Core 2.0 Logging
Andrew Lock | .Net Escapades
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